About the photography

Mark Darragh is a nature and wilderness photographer with a background in ecology and environmental science. He works primarily with large format film. His influences include Minor White, Eliot Porter, Brett Weston, Chris Bell, Peter Dombrovskis and Toshio Shibata. Mark's photographs explore the ecological and physical characteristics of landscapes and the processes that shape them.

Ongoing projects
Coastal topographies - a series of photographs focusing on micro-habitats and topographies along shorelines and the intertidal zone of coastal Victoria and Tasmania

Relicts - A series of photographs exploring the ecological relationships between various groups of relict plant species communities and the influences such as climate and fire which shape their current distribution.

From the Ashes - since 2003 exploring the impact of, and recovery from, fire in the Victorian landscape.

The Photograph Explained: Frozen Pencil Pine Branchlet, Walls of Jerusalem National Park

This article originally appeared on The Large Format Blog as part of the "The Photograph Explained" series in 2015 ...more

The Photograph Explained: Reflection, Crimson Wall

This article originally appeared on The Large Format Blog as part of the "The Photograph Explained" series in 2013. ...more